Please read the contents of this document carefully before signing up as a Vendor or buyer and retain a copy electronically for your records.

These Terms of Service "Terms" are between you and Bundo. They cover your use of our website at https://www.bundo.app and related services (collectively, the "Services"). By using the Services, you agree to these Terms.

The Privacy Policy, Acceptable Use Policy, and Vendor Terms of Service(if applicable) are also part of these Terms. Please review them to understand our practices. The "Privacy" refers to our practices for handling your personal data, while "We" and "our" refer to Bundo and its affiliates.

Who we are

Bundo is an E-commerce platform that bridges the gaps between small/medium business owners and regular customers. Through geo-location and modern retail innovation, we are making it easier for everyday people to buy and sell beyond the challenges of location, visibility, accessibility, and resources.

1. General Terms and Conditions

1.1 These general terms and conditions apply to buyers and sellers on the marketplace and govern your use of the marketplace and related services.

1.2 By using our marketplace, you accept these general terms and conditions in full. If you disagree with these general terms and conditions or any part thereof, you must not use our marketplace.

1.4 If you use our marketplace in the course of a business or other organizational project, by doing so, you:

1.4.1 Confirm that you have obtained the necessary authority to agree to these general terms and conditions;

1.4.2. Bind both yourself and the person, company, or other legal entity that operates that business or organizational project to these general terms and conditions; and

1.4.3. Agree that "you" in these general terms and conditions shall reference both the individual user and the relevant person, company, or legal entity unless the context requires otherwise.

2. Registration and Account

2.1. You may not register with our marketplace if you are under 18 years of age. By using our marketplace or agreeing to these general terms and conditions, you warrant and represent to us that you are at least 18 years of age.

2.2. You confirm that all information provided by you in opening your account with Bundo is accurate, current, and complete. You agree to promptly update any changes to your User Information in your Bundo Account and not to misrepresent yourself.

2.2.f. If you register for an account with our marketplace, you will be asked to provide an email address/user ID and password, and you agree to:

2.2.f.1. Keep your password confidential;

2.2.2. Notify us in writing immediately (using our contact details provided in Section 26f) if you become aware of any disclosure of your password; and

2.2.3. Be responsible for any activity on our marketplace arising from failure to keep your password confidential, and you may be held liable for any losses resulting from such failure.

2.3. Your account shall be used exclusively by you, and you shall not transfer your account to any third party. If you authorize any third party to manage your account on your behalf, this shall be at your own risk.

2.4. We reserve the right to suspend or cancel your account and/or edit your account details at any time at our sole discretion and without notice or explanation, provided that if we cancel any products or services you have paid for but not received, and you have not breached these general terms and conditions, we will refund you accordingly.

2.5. You may cancel your account on our marketplace by contacting us.

3. Terms and Conditions of Sale

3.1. General Acknowledgments

You acknowledge and agree that:

3.1.1. The marketplace provides an online platform for sellers to sell and buyers to purchase products.

3.1.2. We shall accept binding sales on behalf of sellers; however, unless Bundo is indicated as the seller, Bundo is not a party to the transaction between the seller and the buyer.

3.1.3. A contract for the sale and purchase of a product or products will come into effect between the buyer and the seller. You commit to buying or selling the relevant product(s) upon the buyer’s confirmation of purchase via the marketplace.

3.2. Terms Governing the Sale and Purchase

Subject to these general terms and conditions, the seller’s terms of business shall govern the contract for sale and purchase between the buyer and the seller. Notwithstanding this, the following provisions are hereby incorporated into the contract of sale and purchase between the buyer and the seller:

3.2.1. The price for a product will be as stated in the relevant product listing.

3.2.2. The price for the product must include all taxes and comply with applicable laws in force at the time of sale.

3.2.3. Delivery charges, packaging charges, handling charges, administrative charges, insurance costs, and other ancillary costs and charges, where applicable, will only be payable by the buyer if expressly and clearly stated at checkout and is calculated based on standard shipping factors like location, weight of products, etc. Delivery of digital products is handled by a third-party shipping company.

3.2.4. Products must be of satisfactory quality, fit, and safe for any purpose specified in the product listing and conform in all material respects to any description of the product supplied or made available by the seller to the buyer.

3.2.5. For physical products sold, the seller warrants that they have good title to, and are the sole legal and beneficial owner of, the products. The seller also warrants that they have the right to supply the products under this agreement and that the products are not subject to any third-party rights or restrictions, including third-party intellectual property rights, or any criminal, insolvency, or tax investigation or proceedings. For digital products, the seller warrants they have the right to supply the digital products to the buyer.

4. Returns and Refunds

4.1. Management of Returns

The return of products by buyers and the acceptance of returned products by sellers will be managed by us in accordance with the guidelines provided on the returns page of the marketplace, which may be updated from time to time. The acceptance of returns is at our discretion, subject to compliance with the applicable guidelines.

4.2. Management of Refunds

Refunds for returned products will be processed in accordance with the guidelines provided on the refunds page of the marketplace, which may also be amended from time to time. Our policies regarding refunds will be applied at our discretion, subject to the applicable laws of the platform.

4.3. Issuance of Refunds

Returned products will be accepted, and refunds will be issued by Bundo, acting on behalf of the seller. Bundo will issue refunds only in cases of delivery failure. Returns and refunds made for any other reasons will be subject to the seller’s terms and conditions of sale (return & refund policy).

4.4. Changes to Returns and Refunds Policy

We may change our Returns and Refunds Policy at any time without notice, and any changes to these terms will take effect for all purchases made from the date such changes are published on our website.

5. Payments

All payments due under these general terms and conditions must be made in accordance with the Payment Information and Guidelines provided on the marketplace.

6. Store Credit

6.1 Earning and Management of Store Credits

Store credits may be earned and managed in accordance with the Bundo Store Credit Terms and Conditions, which may be updated from time to time. Bundo reserves the right to cancel or withdraw store credit rewards at its discretion, including in cases where fraud or foul play is suspected.

7. Rules Regarding Your Content

7.1 In these general terms and conditions, "your content" refers to:

  • 7.1.1 All works and materials (including, without limitation, text, graphics, images, audio material, video material, audio-visual material, scripts, software, and files) that you submit to us or our marketplace for storage, publication, processing, or onward transmission; and
  • 7.1.2 All communications on the marketplace, including product reviews, feedback, and comments.

7.2 Your content, and the use of your content by us in accordance with these general terms and conditions, must be accurate, complete, and truthful.

7.3 Your content must be appropriate, civil, and tasteful, and must adhere to generally accepted standards of etiquette and behavior on the internet. Your content must not:

  • 7.3.1 Be offensive, obscene, indecent, pornographic, lewd, suggestive, or sexually explicit;
  • 7.3.2 Depict violence in an explicit, graphic, or gratuitous manner;
  • 7.3.3 Promote racial prejudice and discrimination;
  • 7.3.4 Be deceptive, fraudulent, threatening, abusive, harassing, anti-social, menacing, hateful, discriminatory, or inflammatory;
  • 7.3.5 Cause annoyance, inconvenience, or needless anxiety to any person; or
  • 7.3.6 Constitute spam.

7.4 Your content must not be illegal or unlawful, infringe any person'slegal rights, or be capable of giving rise to legal action against any person (in any jurisdiction and under any applicable law). Your content must not infringe or breach:

  • 7.4.1 Any copyright, trademark, image rights, or any other intellectual property right;
  • 7.4.2 Any right of confidence, right of privacy, or right under data protection legislation;
  • 7.4.3 Any contractual obligation owed to any person; or
  • 7.4.4 Any court order.

7.5 You must not use our marketplace to link to any website or webpage that consists of or contains material that, if posted on our marketplace, would breach these general terms and conditions.

7.6 You must not submit to our marketplace any material that is, or has ever been, the subject of any threatened or actual legal proceedings or other similar complaint.

7.7 The review function on the marketplace may be used to facilitate buyer reviews on products. You must not use the review function or any other form of communication to provide inaccurate, inauthentic, or fake reviews.

7.8 You must not interfere with a transaction by:

  • 7.8.1 Contacting another user to buy or sell an item listed on the marketplace outside of the marketplace;
  • 7.8.2 Communicating with a user involved in an active or completed transaction to dissuade them from a particular buyer, seller, or item; or
  • 7.8.3 Contacting another user with the intent to collect any payments.

7.9 You acknowledge that all users of the marketplace are solely responsible for their interactions with other users. You should exercise caution and good judgment in your communication with users and must not send them personal information, including your credit card details.

7.10 We may periodically review your content and reserve the right to remove any content at our discretion for any reason whatsoever.

7.11 If you become aware of any unlawful material or activity on our marketplace or any material or activity that breaches these general terms and conditions, you are required to inform us by contacting us.

8. Our Rights to Use Your Content

8.1 You grant us a worldwide, irrevocable, non-exclusive, royalty-free license to use, reproduce, store, adapt, publish, translate, and distribute your content on our marketplace, across our marketing channels, and in any existing or future media.

8.2 You grant us the right to sub-license the rights licensed under Section 8.1.

8.3 You grant us the right to take legal action for infringement of the rights licensed under Section 8.1.

8.4 You waive all your intellectual property rights against us in respect of your content to the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, and you warrant and represent that all other rights in your content have been waived to the maximum extent permitted by applicable law.

8.5 Without prejudice to our other rights under these general terms and conditions, if you breach our rules on content in any way, or if we reasonably suspect that you have breached our rules on content, we may delete, unpublish, or edit any or all of your content.

8.6 You hereby agree to defend, indemnify and hold Bundo harmless for any claims or litigation from third parties arising from your use and reproduction of your content.

9. Use of Website and Mobile Applications

9.1 In this section, the terms "marketplace" and "website" shall be used interchangeably to refer to Bundo’s websites and mobile applications.

9.2 You may:

  • 9.2.1 View pages from our website in a web browser;
  • 9.2.2 Download pages from our website for caching in a web browser;
  • 9.2.3 Print pages from our website for your personal and non-commercial use;
  • 9.2.4 Stream audio and video files from our website using the media player on our website; and
  • 9.2.5 Access our marketplace services by means of a web browser, subject to the other provisions of these general terms and conditions.

9.3 Except as expressly permitted by Section 9.2 or other provisions of these general terms and conditions, you must not download any material from our website or save any such material to your computer.

9.4 You may only use our website for your personal and business purposes concerning selling or purchasing products on the marketplace.

9.5 Except as expressly permitted by these general terms and conditions, you must not edit or otherwise modify any material on our website.

9.6 Unless you own or control the relevant rights in the material, you must not:

  • 9.6.1 Republish material from our website (including republication on another website);
  • 9.6.2 Sell, rent, or sub-license material from our website;
  • 9.6.3 Show any material from our website in public;
  • 9.6.4 Exploit material from our website for a commercial purpose; or
  • 9.6.5 Redistribute material from our website.

9.7 Notwithstanding Section 9.6, you may forward links to products on our website and redistribute our newsletter and promotional materials in print and electronic form to any person.

9.8 We reserve the right to suspend or restrict access to our website, specific areas of our website, and/or functionalities on our website. For example, we may suspend access during server maintenance or updates. You must not circumvent or attempt to circumvent any access restriction measures on the website.

9.9 You must not:

  • 9.9.1 Use our website in any way or take any action that causes or may cause damage to the website or impairment of the performance, availability, accessibility, integrity, or security of the website;
  • 9.9.2 Use our website in any way that is unethical, unlawful, illegal, fraudulent, or harmful, or in connection with any unlawful, illegal, fraudulent, or harmful purpose or activity;
  • 9.9.3 Hack or otherwise tamper with our website;
  • 9.9.4 Probe, scan, or test the vulnerability of our website without our permission;
  • 9.9.5 Circumvent any authentication or security systems or processes on or relating to our website;
  • 9.9.6 Use our website to copy, store, host, transmit, send, use, publish, or distribute any material that consists of (or is linked with) spam, illegal, or contraband content.

10. Copyright and Trademarks

10.1 Subject to the express provisions of these general terms and conditions:

  • 10.1.1 We, together with our licensors, own and control all the copyrights and other intellectual property rights in our website and the material on our website; and
  • 10.1.2 All copyrights and other intellectual property rights in our website and the material on our website are reserved.

10.2 Bundo’s logos and our other registered and unregistered trademarks are trademarks belonging to us; we do not grant permission for the use of these trademarks, and any such use may constitute an infringement of our rights.

10.3 The third-party registered and unregistered trademarks or service marks on our website are the property of their respective owners. We do not endorse and are not affiliated with any of the holders of these rights; therefore, we cannot grant any license to exercise such rights.

11. Data Privacy

11.1 Buyers agree to the processing of their personal data in accordance with the terms of the Bundo Privacy and Cookie Notice.

11.2 Bundo will process all personal data obtained through the marketplace and related services in accordance with our Privacy and Cookie Notice and Privacy Policy.

11.3 Sellers are directly responsible to buyers for any misuse of their personal data, and Bundo shall bear no liability to buyers in respect of any misuse of their personal data by sellers.

12. Bundo’s Role as a Marketplace

12.1 You acknowledge that:

  • 12.1.1 Bundo facilitates a marketplace for buyers and third-party sellers, or Bundo where Bundo is the seller of a product;
  • 12.1.2 The relevant seller of the product (whether Bundo is the seller or it is a third-party seller) shall at all times remain exclusively liable for the products they sell on the marketplace; and
  • 12.1.3 In the event of an issue arising from the purchase of a product on the marketplace, the buyer should seek recourse from the relevant seller of the product by following the process set out in Bundo'sDispute Resolution Policy.

12.2 We commit to ensuring that Bundo or third-party sellers, as applicable, submit information relating to their products on the marketplace that is complete, accurate, and up to date. Accordingly:

  • 12.2.1 The relevant seller warrants and represents the completeness and accuracy of their information published on our marketplace relating to their products;
  • 12.2.2 The relevant seller warrants and represents that the material on the marketplace is up to date; and
  • 12.2.3 If a buyer has a complaint regarding the accuracy or completeness of the product information received from a seller (including where Bundo is the seller), the buyer can seek recourse from the relevant seller by following the process set out in the (Returns, Refund and Cancellation Policy).

12.3 We do not warrant or represent that the marketplace will operate without fault, or that the marketplace or any service on the marketplace will remain available during events beyond Bundo's control ("force majeure" events). These events include, but are not limited to:

  • Flood, drought, earthquake, or other natural disasters;
  • Hacking, viruses, malware, or other malicious software attacks on the marketplace;
  • Terrorist attacks, civil war, civil commotion, or riots;
  • War, threat of war, or preparation for war;
  • Epidemics or pandemics; or
  • Extra-constitutional events or circumstances that materially and adversely affect the political or macro-economic stability of the territory as a whole.

12.4 We reserve the right to discontinue or alter any or all of our marketplace services and to stop publishing our marketplace at any time, at our sole discretion, without notice or explanation. You will not be entitled to any compensation or other payment upon the discontinuance or alteration of any marketplace services or if we stop publishing the marketplace. This is without prejudice to your rights regarding any unfulfilled orders or other existing liabilities of Bundo.

12.5 If we discontinue or alter any or all of our marketplace services in circumstances not related to force majeure, we will provide prior notice to buyers and sellers of not less than fifteen (15) days, with clear guidance on the way forward for pending transactions or other existing liabilities of Bundo.

12.6 We do not guarantee any commercial results concerning the use of the marketplace. To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law and subject to Section 12.1 above, we exclude all representations and warranties relating to the subject matter of these general terms and conditions, our marketplace, and the use of our marketplace.

13. Limitations and Exclusions of Liability

13.1 Nothing in these general terms and conditions will:

  • 13.1.1 Limit any liabilities in any way that is not permitted under applicable law; or
  • 13.1.2 Exclude any liabilities or statutory rights that may not be excluded under applicable law.

13.2 The limitations and exclusions of liability set out in this Section 14 and elsewhere in these general terms and conditions:

  • 13.2.1 Are subject to Section 14.1; and
  • 13.2.2 Govern all liabilities arising under these general terms and conditions or relating to the subject matter of these general terms and conditions, including liabilities arising in contract, in tort (including negligence), and for breach of statutory duty, except to the extent expressly provided otherwise in these general terms and conditions.

13.3 In respect of the services offered to you free of charge, we will not be liable to you for any loss or damage of any nature whatsoever.

13.4 Our aggregate liability to you in respect of any contract to provide services to you under these general terms and conditions shall not exceed the total amount paid and payable to us under the contract. Each separate transaction on the marketplace shall constitute a separate contract for the purpose of this Section 14.

13.5 Notwithstanding Section 14.4 above, we will not be liable to you for any loss or damage of any nature, including in respect of:

  • 13.5.1 Any losses occasioned by any interruption or dysfunction to the website;
  • 13.5.2 Any losses arising out of any event or events beyond our reasonable control;
  • 13.5.3 Any business losses, including (without limitation) loss of or damage to profits, income, revenue, use, production, anticipated savings, business, contracts, commercial opportunities, or goodwill;
  • 13.5.4 Any loss or corruption of any data, database, or software; or
  • 13.5.5 Any special, indirect, or consequential loss or damage.

13.6 We acknowledge our interest in limiting the personal liability of our officers and employees. Given that interest, you acknowledge that we are a limited liability entity; you agree that you will not bring any claim personally against our officers or employees regarding any losses you suffer in connection with the marketplace or these general terms and conditions. This limitation does not exclude the liability of the limited liability entity itself for the acts and omissions of our officers and employees.

13.7 Our marketplace might include hyperlinks to other websites owned and operated by third parties; such hyperlinks are not recommendations. We have no control over third-party websites and their contents, and we accept no responsibility for them or for any loss or damage that may arise from your use of them.

14. Indemnification

14.1 You hereby agree to indemnify us and undertake to keep us indemnified against:

  • 14.1.1 Any and all losses, damages, costs, liabilities, and expenses (including, without limitation, legal expenses and any amounts paid by us to any third party in settlement of a claim or dispute) incurred or suffered by us and arising directly or indirectly from your use of our marketplace, or any breach by you of any provision of these general terms and conditions, or the Bundo codes, policies, or guidelines; and
  • 14.1.2 Any VAT liability or other tax liability that we may incur in relation to any sale, supply, or purchase made through our marketplace, where that liability arises out of your failure to pay, withhold, declare, or register to pay any VAT or other tax properly due in any jurisdiction.

15. Breaches of These General Terms and Conditions

15.1 If we permit the registration of an account on our marketplace, it will remain open indefinitely, subject to these general terms and conditions.

15.2 If you breach these general terms and conditions, or if we reasonably suspect that you have breached these general terms and conditions, or any Bundo codes, policies, or guidelines in any way, we may:

  • 15.2.1 Temporarily suspend your access to our marketplace;
  • 15.2.2 Permanently prohibit you from accessing our marketplace;
  • 15.2.3 Block computers using your IP address from accessing our marketplace;
  • 15.2.4 Contact any or all of your internet service providers and request that they block your access to our marketplace;
  • 15.2.5 Suspend or delete your account on our marketplace; and/or
  • 15.2.6 Commence legal action against you, whether for breach of contract or otherwise.

15.3 If we suspend, prohibit, or block your access to our marketplace or any part of our marketplace, you must not take any action to circumvent such suspension, prohibition, or blocking (including, without limitation, creating and/or using a different account).

16. Entire Agreement

16.1 These general terms and conditions, along with the Bundo codes, user agreement, policies, and guidelines (and, in the case of sellers, the seller terms and conditions), constitute the entire agreement between you and us regarding your use of our marketplace. They supersede all prior agreements between you and us related to your use of our marketplace.

17. Hierarchy

17.1 In the event of any conflict between these general terms and conditions, the seller terms and conditions, and the Bundo codes, user agreement policies, and guidelines, the following order of precedence shall apply: these general terms and conditions, the seller terms and conditions, and then the Bundo codes, policies, and guidelines.

18. Variation

18.1 We may revise these general terms and conditions, the seller terms and conditions, and the Bundo codes, policies, and guidelines from time to time.

18.2 The revised general terms and conditions shall apply from the date of their publication on the marketplace.

19. No Waiver

19.1 No waiver of any breach of any provision of these general terms and conditions shall be construed as a further or continuing waiver of any other breach of that provision or any breach of any other provision of these general terms and conditions.

20. Severability

20.1 If any provision of these general terms and conditions is determined by any court or other competent authority to be unlawful and/or unenforceable, the remaining provisions will continue to be in effect.

20.2 If any unlawful and/or unenforceable provision of these general terms and conditions would be lawful or enforceable if a part of it were deleted, that part will be deemed deleted, and the rest of the provision will continue in effect.

21. Assignment

21.1 You hereby agree that we may assign, transfer, sub-contract, or otherwise deal with our rights and/or obligations under these general terms and conditions.

21.2 You may not, without our prior written consent, assign, transfer, sub-contract, or otherwise deal with any of your rights and/or obligations under these general terms and conditions.


1. Account Terms

1.1. To use Bundo's Services, you must create an account (“Account”) by providing your full legal name, business address, phone number, a valid email address, and any other required information (collectively, “User Information”). Bundo reserves the right to reject your application or cancel your Account at its discretion.

1.2. You guarantee that all User Information provided is accurate, current, and complete. You agree to promptly update any changes to your User Information in your Bundo Account and not to misrepresent yourself.

1.3. You authorise Bundo, or its third-party partners, to verify your identity and User Information. This includes obtaining necessary information from institutions and databases to provide the Services.

1.4. By using Bundo’s Services, you grant Bundo and its third-party providers a limited power of attorney to access third-party websites, retrieve your personal information with them (if necessary), and use your User Information as needed to provide the Services. This authorization allows Bundo and its partners to act as your agent in these activities.

1.5. You must be at least 18 years old or of legal age in your jurisdiction to open an Account.

1.6. The Services provided by Bundo are intended for business purposes only, not personal or household use.

1.7. Bundo will use the email address you provide as your primary method of communication. Ensure your email address can both send and receive messages. All email communications must come from this primary address to be authenticated.

1.8. You are responsible for keeping your password secure. Bundo is not liable for any loss or damage resulting from your failure to maintain security. You must keep your password confidential and are responsible for any activity on your Account resulting from a failure to do so. Your Account is for your use only and cannot be transferred. If you allow someone else to manage your Account, it is at your own risk.

1.9. Technical support is available only to Bundo Users.

1.10. You may not reproduce, duplicate, copy, sell, or exploit any part of the Services without Bundo's express written permission.

1.11. Do not attempt to bypass technical limitations of the Services, including processing orders outside Bundo’s Checkout, enabling disabled features, or reverse engineering the Services.

1.12. You may not use automated tools like robots or scrapers to access or monitor material from the Services.

1.13. Your Materials may be transmitted unencrypted and may be adapted to technical requirements. "Materials" includes trademarks, copyrighted content, products or services sold through the Services, and any other data provided by you.

1.14. Domain registrations purchased through Bundo will auto-renew annually as long as your Account is active. You are responsible for deactivating auto-renewal if you choose.

1.15. Bundo may suspend or cancel your Account or modify Account details at its discretion and without notice. If Services are cancelled but paid for, and you have not breached the Agreement, a refund will be issued for the unused Services.

2. Account Activation

Store Owner

2.1. The person who opens the Account will be the contracting party (“Store Owner”) and is authorised to use the corresponding Account. Ensure the Store Owner’s name (or legal company name) is visible on the Store’s website.

2.2. If you are signing up on behalf of your employer, your employer will be the Store Owner. Use your employer-issued email address and confirm you have the authority to bind your employer to these Terms.

2.3. Each Bundo Store can only be associated with one Store Owner, although a Store Owner may manage multiple Stores. You agree to use Bundo Checkout for transactions.

3. Bundo Rights

3.1. Not all features will be available to all Vendors at all times. Bundo may modify the Services without notice.

3.2. Bundo may remove any Materials that violate our policies or terms, at our discretion.

3.3. Abuse of Bundo staff will result in immediate Account termination.

3.4. Bundo reserves the right to offer Services to competitors and make no exclusivity promises. Bundo employees may also be customers or vendors.

3.5. In disputes over Account ownership, Bundo may request documentation to confirm ownership, including business licences or ID.

3.6. Bundo will determine rightful Account ownership and may temporarily suspend an Account during disputes.

3.7. The rights listed are not exhaustive.

4. Your Responsibilities

4.1. Provide public contact information, refund policies, and order fulfilment timelines on your Bundo Store.

4.2. Sales contracts are between you and the customer. You are responsible for your Store’s operation, materials, and transactions, including compliance with laws and handling disputes.

4.3. You are responsible for the accuracy and legality of the goods or services you offer.

4.4. Use Bundo Services legally and comply with all relevant laws, including copyright and consumer protection laws.

4.5. Use Bundo Checkout for transactions associated with your online store.

4.6. The responsibilities listed are not exhaustive.

5. Payment of Fees and Taxes

5.1. Pay Subscription Fees, Transaction Fees, and Additional Fees. Together, these are referred to as “Fees.”

5.2. Choose a valid payment method to pay for Fees. Bundo will charge Fees to this method until Services are terminated.

5.3. Subscription Fees are billed in advance. Transaction Fees and Additional Fees are charged periodically. Invoices will be sent to your Primary Email Address.

5.4. If payment fails, Bundo may suspend your Account until Fees are paid. Account benefits will be suspended until payment is made.

5.5. Fees do not include taxes.

5.6. You are responsible for applicable Taxes. All applicable fees and taxes will be added to your Fees based on your billing address. If exempt, provide evidence of exemption.

5.7. Fees must be paid without deductions or withholdings, except for taxes charged by Bundo.

5.8. The Vendor is responsible for all taxes related to sales on your Bundo Store.

5.9. Maintain an accurate location in your Bundo Store’s admin console. Update it if you change jurisdictions.

5.10. Bundo may introduce new Services or modify existing ones, and may introduce new charges or amend existing fees. You are responsible for complying with all applicable laws.

6. Confidentiality

6.1. Confidential Information

"Confidential Information" refers to any proprietary information of either party including each party’sintellectual property, business practices, technical processes, customer lists, product designs, sales data, pricing, financial details, business plans, marketing strategies, trade secrets, and business practices relating to or in connection with the business. For Bundo, Confidential Information also includes any information about us or our Services that is not available to the public, including details about our security practices.

6.2. Exceptions

Confidential Information does not include information that: (A) was already public or known by the receiving party before disclosure; (B) is independently developed by the receiving party without using the disclosing party’s Confidential Information; or (C) is received from a third party legally and without breaching these Terms.

6.3. Use and Protection

Both parties agree to use Confidential Information only as needed to fulfil their obligations under these Terms and to adhere to all related requirements.

6.4. Disclosure

Each party agrees to protect the Confidential Information with at least the same level of care used to protect its own sensitive information. Either party shall not disclose confidential information. Disclosure is allowed only to employees, agents, or subcontractors who need the information to perform their duties and who are bound by similar confidentiality obligations. Disclosure may also occur if required by law or court order, but the receiving party will, if allowed, promptly notify the disclosing party and ensure disclosure of information only as is necessary to fulfil the legal obligation and continue to make efforts to keep the information confidential.


General Termination

These Terms & Conditions remain in effect until either party terminates them or Bundo’s services are terminated.

Bundo may terminate this Agreement and remove the Vendor immediately if the Vendor is found to be engaged in fraudulent activities, damages Bundo’s brand, or acts on instructions from the acquiring bank or payment schemes.

Either party may terminate this Agreement immediately if the other becomes insolvent, ceases business, or part of its business.

Either party may terminate this Agreement immediately if the other is suspected of fraudulent or unlawful activity related to the services provided.

Either party may terminate this Agreement immediately if the other goes into liquidation, receivership, judicial management, or similar proceedings.

Either party may terminate this Agreement immediately if a court order or similar legal action is taken against the other, or if a receiver or similar official is appointed to manage the other’s assets.

Either party may terminate this Agreement for convenience by providing one (1) month’s written notice.

Upon termination, neither party will have further obligations except to settle any outstanding payments for transactions completed before termination.

After termination, access to the Payment Gateway and other services will be revoked. Bundo will retain Vendor records, including transaction details, for a period of 6 years.

Bundo may terminate this Agreement immediately and without prior notice for any of the following reasons:

  • If the Vendor breaches any terms of this service.
  • If the Vendor breaches any terms of the Storefront.
  • If the Vendor is deceased or its partnership is dissolved.
  • If the Vendor’s webpage includes undesirable material or activities according to Bundo or any regulatory authority.
  • If the Vendor’s web page or security system is compromised.
  • If there are multiple complaints about the Vendor’s goods or services from customers.

Privacy Policy


This Privacy Policy details how and when we collect, use, store, share, and protect your information across our various platforms, including payment systems, APIs, software applications, websites, email notifications, and tools, regardless of how you access them.

The Privacy Policy applies to all platforms, APIs, websites, and software applications operated by Bundo (hereafter referred to as "Bundo"). It does not cover services not owned or controlled by Bundo, such as third-party websites or the services of other partners. Bundo is committed to handling personal data in strict accordance with applicable data privacy and protection laws.

To use our website or any of our services, you must consent to the use of your data as outlined in this Privacy Policy.

We are dedicated to safeguarding your privacy and this policy outlines our obligations concerning the data we collect.

Your Privacy Rights

This Privacy Policy describes your privacy rights regarding our collection, use, storage, sharing and protection of your personal information in our possession. It applies to the Bundo Systems’ websites, mobile applications, and all databases, applications, services, tools and physical contact with us, regardless of how you access or use them.

If you have created a username, account, password or any other piece of information as part of our access security infrastructure, you must treat such information as confidential, and such information must not be disclosed to any third party.

We reserve the right to disable any user identification code or password, whether chosen by you or allocated by us, at any time, if in our opinion you have failed to comply with any of the provisions of this privacy policy.

If you know or suspect that anyone other than you knows your security details, you must promptly notify us at company@bundo.app or support@bundo.app.


You accept this privacy policy when you give consent upon access to our platforms, or use our services, content, features, technology or functions offered on our website, digital platforms or visit any of our offices for official or non-official purposes (collectively the “Bundo Services”). This privacy policy governs the use of the Bundo Services by users. We reserve the right to amend this privacy policy at any time and at our absolute discretion by posting a revised version on our website, digital platforms, or by placing such notice at conspicuous points at our office facilities. The revised version shall become effective 7 days after publication.

Personal Information We May Collect

When you use Bundo Services, we collect information sent to us by your computer, mobile phone or other electronic devices. The information, which is automatically collected, includes but is not limited to data about the pages you access, computer IP address, device ID or unique identifier, device type, geo-location information, computer and connection information, mobile network information, statistics on page views, traffic to and from the sites, referral URL, ad data, standard web log data, still and moving images.

We may also collect information you provide to us including but not limited to information on web forms, survey responses, account update information, email addresses, phone numbers, organisations you represent, official position, correspondence with the Bundo support services, and telecommunication with Bundo Systems. We may also collect information about your transactions, enquiries and your activities on our platform or premises.

We may also use information about you and your online activities from third parties like social media sites. Information about you provided by other sites are not controlled by Bundo Systems and we are, therefore, not liable for how such third parties use your information.

We may also collect, use, process, store, or transfer other of your personal information including:

  • Identity Data: Details such as your full name, government-issued identity number, and date of birth, used to verify your identity.
  • Contact Data: Information needed to contact you, such as your address, email, phone number, device details, and billing information.
  • Log/Technical Information: Automatic records from our servers, including browser data, clicked links, session duration, device identifiers, and location details.
  • Financial Data: Details related to transactions, including account numbers, merchant information, transaction dates, and amounts.
  • Transactional Data: Information about payments made through our services.
  • Marketing and Communications Data: Records of your decisions regarding subscription to or withdrawal from marketing materials.

We may also collect non-personal or anonymized data such as statistical or demographic information.

Data Collection Methods

We collect data through:

  • Direct Information: Data you provide when creating an account, filling out forms, or contacting us.
  • Usage Information: Data on how you interact with our products and services, including features used and content viewed.
  • Location Data: If permitted, data about yourdevice's location to offer location-based features.
  • Device Information: Details about your device, including model, OS version, and ID.
  • Log Data: Information such as IP address, device type, browser type, and pages visited.

Use of Data

We use collected data to:

  • Improve our products and services, personalise your experience, and provide customer support.
  • Manage accounts, verify identities, process payments, and respond to inquiries.
  • Comply with legal obligations and enforce our policies.
  • Manage risk, or to detect, prevent, and/or remediate fraud or other potentially prohibited or illegal activities.
  • Communicate product updates, promotional offers, and program information.
  • Evaluate job applications and target advertisements.
  • Personalise your experience and conduct research for user insights.
  • Provide services and support.
  • Process applications and send notices about your transactions to requisite parties.
  • Resolve disputes, collect fees, and troubleshoot problems.
  • Detect, prevent or remediate violation of laws, regulations, standards, guidelines and frameworks.
  • Improve our services by implementing aggregate customer or user preferences.
  • Measure the performance of our products and improve content, technology and layout.
  • Track information breach and remediate such identified breaches.
  • Manage and protect our information technology and physical infrastructure.
  • Contact you at any time through your provided telephone number, email address or other contact details.

How We Protect Your Personal Information

We store and process your personal information on our servers in Nigeria. Where we need to transfer your data to another country, such country must have an adequate data protection law. We will seek your consent where we need to send your data to a country without adequate data protection laws. We protect your information using physical, technical, and administrative security measures to reduce the risks of loss, misuse, unauthorised access, disclosure and alteration. Some of the safeguards we use are firewalls and data encryption, physical access controls to our data centres, and information access authorization controls.

Data Sharing

During your interaction with our website, Application or premises, we may provide our affiliates or other responsible third parties with information such as your name, contact details, or other details you provide us for the purpose of performing our statutory mandate to you or third parties.

We work with third parties, including regulatory agencies to perform our services. In doing so, a third party may share information about you with us, such as your email address or mobile phone number.

You accept that your pictures and testimonials on all social media platforms about Bundo Systems can be used for limited promotional purposes by us. This does not include your trademark or copyrighted materials.

From time to time, we may send you relevant information such as news items, and essential information to assist you. We may also share your personal information in compliance with national or international laws; crime prevention and risk management agencies and service providers.

Note that we do not sell or rent personal information but may share it under certain conditions:

  • With your consent.
  • To comply with our legal requirements.
  • To protect our rights or during mergers and acquisitions.
  • With third-party service providers for tasks such as hosting, payment processing, or customer support. These providers are equally required to adhere to strict data protection standards.
  • With financial institutions for transaction processing and fraud prevention.
  • Across our affiliates and subsidiaries as needed for service delivery.
  • Data may be transferred internationally, subject to compliance with applicable data protection regulations.

Data Retention

We retain data only as long as necessary for its intended purposes or as required by law.

Data Security

We will always hold your information safely and securely. To prevent unauthorized access to your information, we have implemented strong controls and security safeguards at the technical and operational levels. We implement technical, administrative, and organizational measures to secure your data, including encryption and firewall technologies.

In order to secure your information, our websites use Secure Sockets Layer/Transport Layer Security (SSL/TLS) to ensure secure transmission of your personal data. You should see the padlock symbol in your URL address bar once you are successfully logged into the platform. The URL address will also start with https:// depicting a secure webpage. SSL applies encryption between two points such as your PC and the connecting server. Any data transmitted during the session will be encrypted before transmission and decrypted at the receiving end. This is to ensure that data cannot be interrupted and read during transmission. This level of protection and encryption also applies to all our mobile applications on all available platforms.

We have also taken measures to comply with global Information Security Management Systems. We have, therefore, put in place digital and physical security measures to limit or eliminate possibilities of data privacy breach incidents.

Data Confidentiality Rights

Your information is regarded as confidential and will not be divulged to any third party, except under legal and/or regulatory conditions. You have the right to request sight of, and copies of any and all information we keep on you, if such requests are reasonably made in compliance with the relevant applicable laws in Nigeria. While Bundo is responsible for safeguarding the information entrusted to us, your role in fulfilling confidentiality duties includes, but is not limited to, adopting and enforcing appropriate security measures such as non-sharing of passwords and other platform login details, adherence with physical security protocols on our premises, and dealing with only authorized officers of Bundo Systems.

Access to Data

You have the right to access, correct, or delete your personal data. Contact us to exercise these rights.

Data Protection Rights

  • Right to Information: To be informed about your personal data.
  • Right of Access: To view your personal data.
  • Right to Rectification: To correct inaccuracies in your data.
  • Right to Erasure: To delete data no longer needed.
  • Right to Restrict Processing: To limit data processing for marketing.
  • Right to Data Portability: To obtain your data in a transferable format.
  • Right to Object: To object to certain data processing activities.
  • Right to Not Be Subject to Automated Decisions: To avoid automated decision-making.

Links to Other Websites

Certain transaction processing channels may require links to other websites or organizations other than ours. Please note that we are not responsible and have no control over websites outside our domain. We do not monitor or review the content of other party’s websites which are linked from our website or media platforms.

Opinions expressed or materials appearing on such websites are not necessarily shared or endorsed by us, and Bundo should not be regarded as the publisher of such opinions or materials.

Please be aware that we are not responsible for the privacy practices, or content of these other sites. We encourage our users to be aware of when they leave our site, and to read the privacy statements of these sites. You should evaluate the security and trustworthiness of any other site connected to our website and mobile applications or accessed through this site yourself, before disclosing any personal information to them.

We will not accept responsibility for any loss or damage in whatever manner, howsoever arising, resulting from your disclosure of personal information to third parties.


Cookies are small files placed on your computer’s hard drive that enables the website to identify your computer as you view different pages. Cookies allow websites and applications to store your preferences in order to present contents, options or functions that are specific to you. Like most interactive websites, our website uses cookies to enable the recording of your activity for the duration of a session. Our website uses only encrypted session cookies which are erased either after a predefined timeout period or once you log out of the platform and close the browser. Session cookies do not collect information from the user’s computer. They will typically store information in the form of a session identification that does not personally identify the user.

You may disable cookies through your browser settings, but this may limit your ability to use some features of our website.

Contact Information

For questions or concerns about this Privacy Policy, contact us at contact@bundo.com. We may request additional details to address your inquiries and maintain records of our communications.

Governing Law

This privacy policy is made pursuant to the Nigeria Data Protection Regulation 2019 and other relevant Nigerian laws, regulations or international conventions applicable to and in Nigeria. Where any provision of this Policy is deemed inconsistent with a law, regulation or convention, such provision shall be subject to the overriding law, regulation or convention.

Cookies Policy

Bundo (referred to as “Bundo,” “we,” “us,” or “our”) utilises cookies on our website (“Website”). By using our Website or any of our services, you agree to our use of cookies. This Cookies Policy outlines what cookies are, how we use them, and your options regarding cookies. Please review this policy alongside our Privacy Policy for additional details on how we handle personal information collected through your use of the Website.

What Are Cookies?

Cookies are small text files sent to your web browser by a website you visit. These files may include web beacons, log files, and other tracking technologies, collectively known as “Cookies.” Cookies are stored in your web browser and help our Website recognize you and enhance your experience. They track your activities on the Website and retain information to improve future interactions.

How Bundo Uses Cookies

When you access our Website, we may place various cookies in your web browser.

  • Identify and Distinguish Visitors: To recognize and differentiate between visitors.
  • Track Navigation: To monitor your navigation through our Website and record your progress on past activities, if applicable.
  • Determine Content Preferences: To understand your content preferences and site usage patterns.
  • Measure Visit Duration: To measure the duration of your visits and specific functionalities you use.

Cookies Types

  • Functionality Cookies: Remember you when you return to our Website, allowing us to personalise content, greet you by name, and retain your preferences (e.g., language or region).
  • Analytical/Performance Cookies: Help us assess how you use our Website, including visit and traffic data to enhance our services.
  • Targeting Cookies: Record your visits, pages viewed, and links followed to tailor our Website and content to better match your interests.

Your Choices Regarding Cookies

You can disable cookies by adjusting your browser settings and deleting any existing cookies. However, doing so may affect your ability to use certain features of our Website. For instance, you might experience difficulties logging in, saving preferences, or viewing some pages correctly. Your browser may offer options to manage cookies, including setting preferences for specific sites.

Contact Us

For any questions regarding our use of cookies on the Website, please contact us at company@bundo.app or support@bundo.app.

Terms and Agreement

You understand and agree that Bundo connects you with Vendors who are responsible for the actual sale of the goods. Unless otherwise indicated, Bundo is not the Vendor, seller or supplier and does not ship or deliver goods.

However, Bundo ensures that vendors, sellers, suppliers, and shippers of goods featured on Bundo’s platforms agree to conform to good business practices and are in compliance with applicable laws relating to the sale of goods and consumer protection. As such, Bundo is in a position to mediate any disputes that may arise relating to the sale of any piece of merchandise on the Bundo platform.

You agree that Bundo’s involvement in the dispute resolution process is limited to facilitating mediation between the parties and is in no position to make binding decisions for the parties. Where the parties are unable to agree, the purchase price shall be paid to the Vendor, and the customer may proceed to contact the vendor directly.

Prior to purchase, you are responsible for confirming the cancellation, return, and refund policy of the vendor, seller or supplier. Bundo is responsible for administering the process under its customer service policy.

While Bundo may assist in facilitating the delivery of the goods, Bundo makes no representations nor gives any warranties relating to the supply of the goods and is not responsible for any loss or damage to the goods while in transit. Our third-party shipping integration companies are responsible for the delivery of goods and are responsible for any damage to the goods while in transit. Where the goods were damaged while in transit, the third-party logistics provider will be solely responsible for refunds for damaged goods. Such refunds may be subject to the third-party logistics provider’s insurance policies. You are responsible for confirming the identity of the third-party logistics provider, and confirming their insurance and refund policies as it regards limitation of liability and the consequential refunds that you may be entitled to in the case of damage to goods while in transit. Under no circumstances is Bundo responsible for payment and refunds for goods damaged in transit. Bundo’s role in the process is providing support and ensuring, on a reasonable effort basis, that only credible third-party logistics providers having reasonable insurance policies are available to provide logistics services on the Bundo platform. In any case, customers are entitled to a refund under the following circumstances:

  • (a) Non-delivery of the goods: If you haven’treceived the item you ordered after the estimated delivery time, or it was not delivered at all.
  • (b) Delivery of expired goods: If the goods delivered are expired.

Manufacturer's Warranty and Disclaimers

  • (a) We do not manufacture or control: Any of the products or services offered on the Bundo platform.
  • (b) No representations or warranties: We make no representations and warranties as to the quality, availability, and suitability of any product, goods, and services advertised on the Bundo platform.
  • (c) No affiliation or endorsement: The availability of products or services through the Bundo platforms does not indicate an affiliation with or endorsement of any product, service, or manufacturer.
  • (d) No conditions or warranties provided: We do not provide any conditions or warranties with respect to the products or services offered on the Bundo platform.
  • (e) Manufacturer's warranty: The products and services offered on the Bundo platform are covered by themanufacturer's warranty as detailed in the product's description on the Bundo platform and included with the product.

General Guiding Principles for Cancellation, Return and Refunds


  • Cancellation Window: Cancellation can be done only within 24 hours of confirmation of order or before the goods have been processed for delivery, whichever is sooner.
  • No Cancellation Post Shipping: Cancellation cannot be carried out after an order has been shipped.
  • Vendor Delay: Where the vendor fails to deliver the goods within the estimated delivery time, the transaction can be cancelled and the customer is refunded.

Return and Refunds

  • Defective or Damaged Goods: Return can only be done in the case of defective or damaged goods, depending on if the Vendor has set the product to be returnable and if the merchandise falls under the eligibility criteria.
  • Goods Ordered in Error: Goods ordered in error may be returned for a refund with the consent and agreement of the vendor. Requests for return and refunds can only be done within 24 hours of receipt of the item.
  • Transaction Closure: If the goods are deemed accepted, and the transaction is closed after 24 hours of confirmation of receipt of the item, the vendor will be paid immediately thereafter.
  • Refund Processing: Refunds will be processed within 24 hours of the receipt by the vendor of the returned goods.
  • Cost of Return: The cost of return will be borne by the vendor in the case of defective, damaged, or incorrect goods. In the case of goods ordered in error, the customer will bear the cost of return.

Items NOT Acceptable for Returns in the Marketplace


  • Products Damaged Due to Misuse: If a product is damaged because of customer misuse, the responsibility lies with the customer rather than the seller.
  • Product with Damaged or Tampered Packaging: Tampered packaging can indicate that the product may have been used, compromised, or contaminated. Returning such items poses a health and safety risk, and it is difficult to guarantee their original quality and safety.
  • Products Modified or Altered from Their Original Form: Altered or modified products may not be resalable due to changes in their condition or functionality. This makes it challenging to determine the product's integrity.
  • Intimate Products: Due to hygiene and privacy concerns, intimate products often cannot be returned once opened or used. This policy reduces the risk of reselling used items and ensures appropriate handling of sensitive items.
  • Agricultural Items: Agricultural products, such as seeds and plants, are sensitive to handling and environmental conditions. Returning these items may result in contamination or deterioration, making them unsuitable for resale.
  • Perishable Goods: Perishable goods cannot be returned except if a valid reason is raised at the point of delivery with affirmation from the dispatcher. The exception ensures immediate issues are addressed. Kindly Note that Bundo does not currently support Perishable goods (e.g., Fast Food, Fruits, Snacks, etc.) within the platform.
  • Products in the Beauty, Health, and Personal Care Categories: These products often have hygiene and safety concerns. Once opened or used, they are unsuitable for returns and resale.
  • Jewellery, Innerwear, Bed Sheets, Lingerie, and Socks: These items are personal in nature, and their return poses hygiene and health concerns. For underwear and lingerie, the intimate nature makes it inappropriate to resell returned items, ensuring customers receive new and unused products.

Acceptable Reasons for Refunds

  • Goods Not Received or Undelivered: If you haven’t received the item you ordered after the estimated delivery time, or it was not delivered at all.
  • Item(s) Unavailable: If the item(s) you ordered are not in stock or cannot be provided.
  • Item Not as Advertised: If the item you received is very different from what was shown or described on the vendor's page.
  • Defective Item(s): If the item you received is faulty or not working/functioning as it should.
  • Other Reasons Approved by Platform Administrators: Any other return reasons that the platform administrators consider valid.

Kindly Note: For refunds arranged directly between you and the merchant, Bundo is not responsible for any disputes that may arise.

Return Instructions

  • Initiate a Return: To initiate a return, go to the “My Orders” page on your Bundo account, click on the product(s) you wish to return and click on the “Request return” button to file a return claim, stating the reason for your return with the option to attach images of proof.
  • Claim Review: Once your claim has been submitted (which should be within 24 hours after receipt of the order), your request will be reviewed within 8–12 hours and can either be accepted or declined, depending on if it meets the standards set in our policy.
  • Declined Requests: If your request is declined, you will be notified via email or phone. Kindly do not panic and read our policy to learn more about our return and refunds, to avoid future disappointment.
  • Approved Requests: If your request is approved, our team will notify you via email, as well as the vendor in question to initiate a return. Bundo will assist only by notifying the vendor to resolve the matter as its sole responsibility without any further obligation.
  • Vendor Follow-Up: Once the vendor has been notified and has accepted the request within the timeline of 48 hours, there will be a follow-up between the vendor and you.
  • Refund Initiation: Upon confirmation of receipt of the return by the vendor, a refund will then be initiated.

Requirement for refund

Reasons for refundDescriptionStill in New Condition Not Damaged Original Packaging Tags & Labels attached Complete Accessories & Free Gifts
INCORRECT ITEM PS: Requests must be made within 24 hours after receipt of the item.If you receive a product that is different from what was shown on the vendor's page. If the request is accepted, provided it meets the standard return policy, a return will be initiated & refund will be made upon confirmation of return by the Vendor. Only the cost of the item will be refunded to you.
FAULTY PRODUCTS PS: Requests must be made within 24 hours after receipt of the item.If the product is defective, nonfunctional, or dead on arrival. If the request is accepted, provided it meets the standard return policy, a return will be initiated & refund will be made upon confirmation of return by the Vendor. Only the cost of the item will be refunded to you. N/A
PRODUCT QUALITY STANDARD PS: Requests must be made within 24 hours after receipt of the item.If the product doesn’t work as expected or can’t perform its functions. We’ll approve a return & refund after we check and confirm the issue. Only the cost of the item will be refunded to you.
DAMAGED OR DAMAGED IN TRANSIT PS: Requests must be made within 24 hours after receipt of the item.If the product received has visible damage. A return will be approved after we verify the issue. Please report any damage within 24 hours after delivery.
PARTIAL OR INCOMPLETE ITEM PS: Requests must be made within 24 hours after receipt of the item.If the product delivered is incomplete compared to what was shown on the website. A return will be approved after we confirm the issue. Once the return has been confirmed by the vendor, a refund will be initiated to you. Report issues within 24 hours after receipt of order. N/A

Frequently Asked Questions

Need help? Check out these answers to questions you might have about Bundo.Or send an email to help@bundo.app